
ZFeelZ — All Viewers Are Confused (2021)

A Kyiv-based band indie-rock band released its second mini album "All Viewers Are Confused". The whole palette of feelings of a young man opens up in these tracks and that’s what we’re going to review.

Dreadnought in the Pond — 0=1 (2021)

Ternopil psychedelic band has presented a debut full-format album "0=1". What awaits us in the matter of sound and which senses are hidden in this release – Eva Nikolaieva discovers.

Merzotna Potvora — Halas Z Pekla (2020)

Kyiv-based black/thrash metal band Merzotna Potvora released their long-awaited full-length album "Halas Z Pekla". Here we discuss why it is worth listening to. 

Soulrest — Angst, Ghouls and Superstitions (2021)

The veterans of death metal from Uzhhorod didn't just present their new album but had set a goal to make it one-track-length. Was this experiment successful or not – our author Spinach explores. 

Shiva the Destructor — Find the Others (2021)

Shiva the Destructor released the full-length LP “Find the Others”. It is a conceptual album that might as well be considered as a guide on escaping the Samsara or a guide to past life, no one would object to spend like the protagonist did: in the sixties, traveling and chilling out at the Woodstock.

Metal Punk Death Squad. Ukrainian Chapter (2021)

Is there life in Ukrainian metal punk? Definitely. This is confirmed by the new collection "Metal Punk Death Squad. Ukrainian Chapter" (2021), published with the support of the label Surrogate. Rec. 

The BeatChess — Tuboculimanica (2020)

At the end of the last year, the Ukrainian hard rock band presented their fourth full-length album "Tuboculimanica". Here is, why it is worth listening. 

BRAII — Moth, Not a Butterfly (2020)

Post-punk band BRAII interrupted its own silence by announcing their second EP release at the end of the year. "Moth, Not a Butterfly" gets the band back to what they started with.

Хамерман Знищує Віруси і Олександра Морозова — Ctrl+Alt+Del (2020)

The latest album by Hammerman Destroys Viruses showed the band in a somewhat unusual way to those who did not follow the band's live performances very actively. We tell you what makes the acoustic "Ctrl + Alt + Del" special and how the perception of the band's well-known lyrics was influenced by the play of pianist Oleksandra Morozova.

Mortebound — It is a future, it is pointless (2020)

Mortebound is probably the first Ukrainian mathcore release for the whole 2020, but it’s worth listening not only because of this. 

Funeral Candies — Месу Розпочато (2020)

Poltava based label Sound Fortress appeared only this year, but has already treated us with some quite good releases. 

Premiere. La Horsa Bianca — Diluvian Beat (2020)

Today, together with the portal It's Psychedelic Baby, we present the third full-length album of the Kharkiv psychedelic band La Horsa Bianca"Diluvian Beat", which confidently holds the bar set by previous LPs. We have already listened to the release and are ready to share our impressions of it. 

Pree Tone — Brekka (2020)

"Brekka" — an album recorded by the band Pree Tone in Iceland. Almost falling off a cliff in their car, the band spent four days in a small studio far from civilization. Today we finally listen and evaluate the result of that work. 

Ragapop — Syasya (2020)

If you somehow missed the debut mini-album from the Ragapop project, here are some reasons why you still should listen to it.

Ooze — Shivers (2020)

Today, the RobustFellow label presents the second mini-album of the band Ooze, which managed to change the sound quite a lot in a year. We tell you what to expect from this work. 

The COW — Chy Dosyt? (2020)

This weekend the debut mini-album of the Kyiv's citizens The CoW was released, captivating with its psychedelic atmosphere. 

Luci — Enigma (2020)

In March, the Ukrainian singer presented her first long-awaited full-length "Enigma" to the audience. We explain why this is a confident application to get into the top of the year. 

Sasha Boole — Too old to sell my soul (2020)

Sasha Boole's fourth full-length album was released today. We'll tell you how it differs from the previous one and why you should not postpone listening to it. 

Statist — ... And Joy With Violence))) (2020)

Statist позиціюють свою крайню роботу як "саркастичну сатиру на елементи повсякденного життя та статистичну оцінку простих побутових ситуацій, які відбуваються з нами щодня, приправлену чорним гумором". Олександр Нечай послухав EP та ділиться своїми враженнями. 

Abusive Fisherman — Клятвопреступник (2019

A year ago, the Chernihiv supergroup released their debut full-length album. If you haven't listened to it yet, we're explaining why it's worth doing.

Ignea — The Realms of Fire and Death (2020)

The history of this unconventional Ukrainian ensemble began back in 2011 with the forming of Parallax. 2013 saw the band renaming to Ignea and releasing their "Sputnik" EP. 2017 became the year when the "The Sign of Faith" was out, and this year the Kyiv quintet led by Helle Bogdanova finally presents us with their conceptual longplay with a solid instrumental base and oriental-sounding melodies, as well as lyrical and sometimes brutal vocals organically woven into this groundwork.

Këkht Aräkh — Night & Love (2019)

На початку грудня минулого року миколаївський ванменбенд розродився дебютним повноформатником "Night & Love". Як підказує сама назва, тут знайшлося місце і класичному блек металу, і романтиці. 

Cthulhu Rise — Last (2020)

Cthulhu Rise publicized their "Last" EP release on the 24th of January on the collective’s Facebook page, adding description of mini album’s sound and place in their work – it appeares to be their swan song. The band itself stopped its activity a few years ago, so the numbered opuses of this release are nothing else but old material compilation.

Kulshenka — Хто захистить від повені дерева? (2020)

Київському тріо panivalkova вистачало, здається, абсолютно всіх компонентів, щоб стати ідеальним гуртом для української інді-сцени. Вони вміли писати мелодійні хіти, як "Крейзі Нікіта". Вміли створювати багатошарові мультижанрові композиції з латинськими і африканськими мотивами, як "Let Me". Навіть така амбіційна річ, як пісня "космополітік" в стилі східної духовної пісні і з одночасним живим записом 15 музикантів, виявилась їм під силу. Вони ідеально вміли спілкуватись з публікою і зі сцени, і через соціальні мережі. Підбирати ефектні костюми і створювати яскраві образи на відео – це теж про них. Про них схвально відгукались і фани неформатної музики, і Андрій Данилко з Костянтином Меладзе. Навіть свої локальні меми на кшталт вигаданого слова "уатамана" і грубої валізи з екзотичними інструментами, яку вони з собою возили – все це було. Чого їм не вистачило, так це проіснувати трошечки довше. 19 березня минулого року, майже через 3 роки після виходу свого повноформатного альбому "Донтворі", panivalkova оголосили про розпад і стали історією. Але нам з вами рано сумувати з цього приводу, бо Іра Лузіна, Даша Пугачова та Іра Кульшенко обіцяли нам ще багато хорошої музики. І перша ластівка – це міні-альбом "Хто захистить від повені дерева".